

Happy Children's Day | TEFISEN


Every June 1st is a sea of laughter and joy, marking the festival of countless children worldwide - Children's Day. The origin of this festival dates back to 1949, when the International Democratic Women's Federation decided to designate this day as International Children's Day in memory of the children who lost their lives in wars and to advocate for the protection of children's rights. Today, it has become one of the most anticipated festivals for children, symbolizing happiness, innocence, and hope.

As we trace the traces of time, talking about Children's Day always evokes the pure memories of the 70s and 80s generation. Back then, Children's Day might not have boasted the material abundance we see today, but the pure joy and freedom were unparalleled.

Remembering our childhood, there were no grand stages or expensive gifts, but we still found endless fun on a simple yellow earth slope, sliding down like a "slide." We crafted telephone receivers and paper guns from sheets of paper, embarking on adventures with our imagination and friends. Catching crickets, hunting for fireflies, those small creatures were the joy of our exploration of nature. And for the more mischievous ones, climbing trees to find bird eggs was the ultimate stage for displaying courage and wisdom.

Back then, we might not have had a profound understanding of Children's Day, but we knew it was a day to let our spirits soar and play to our heart's content. We were immersed in that carefree joy, basking in the bounty of nature and the companionship of friends.

Looking back now, those pure childhood moments still shine brightly in our memories, like a brilliant gem that forever glitters in the softest corner of our hearts. Let us cherish those innocent times and hold onto every precious memory.

Today, on this special day, children can receive various gifts from parents, relatives, and friends, dress in beautiful clothes, and participate in diverse and colorful activities. The laughter in amusement parks, the animated world in cinemas, and the global connections on the internet all add immeasurable joy and color to their festival. These modern celebrations undoubtedly make Children's Day even more splendid and vibrant.

However, we should not overlook the growth and gains children achieve through these activities. In the playgrounds, they learn to cooperate and share with their peers; in animated movies, they are moved by the stories of friendship, courage, and wisdom; and through online interactions, they are exposed to different cultures, broadening their horizons. These experiences enrich their spiritual world and become precious memories of their growth.

On the occasion of this Children's Day, Guangdong Tefisen Technology Co., Ltd. wishes to say to all children: May you always maintain a childlike heart and bravely face whatever challenges life throws at you. Only by maintaining a childlike heart can we stay optimistic and resilient in the face of difficulties; only by maintaining a childlike heart can we stay true to our dreams and forge ahead on our journey of pursuit.

We also take this opportunity to extend our sincerest wishes to the children. On this day that belongs to you, may you enjoy endless joy and happiness. May you always maintain a sense of curiosity and thirst for knowledge on your journey of growth, exploring this wonderful world. May you grow up healthily and happily, becoming useful individuals who contribute to society.

For those of us who have entered middle age, Children's Day is not just a festival to reminisce about the past; it is also a reminder to maintain a childlike heart and never forget our original aspirations. In the hustle and bustle of work and life, we often get caught up in trivial matters and forget our initial dreams and pursuits. But as long as we can maintain a childlike heart, we can regain that innocence and joy, facing life's challenges and difficulties with renewed strength.

Lastly, I'd like to conclude with a quote: "May we return as boys after a lifetime of wandering." Let us maintain a youthful heart in the long river of time, pursuing our dreams and happiness. On this Children's Day, let's send our sincerest wishes to the children and also cheer ourselves up, making our lives more beautiful and exciting!