

Silk Screen Printing Machine Customization Process


I. Introduction

The silk screen printing machine, as a key printing equipment, has a wide range of needs and customization services in various places, especially in Guangdong region and the Yangtze River Delta region. For enterprises or individuals with the need to customize a silk screen printing machine, clearly understanding the customization process, delivery time, delivery, and acceptance standards is of crucial importance. This article will take the customization process of Guangdong Tefisen Silk Screen Printing Machine as an example for analysis to help you successfully complete the customization of the silk screen printing machine.

II. Silk Screen Printing Machine Customization Process

1. Selecting Suppliers

 Firstly, customers need to clarify the direction of ordering the silk screen printing machine based on the company's or individual's needs and budget, whether it is for simple printing or complex printing, such as the printing content being single-color, multi-color, or having a complex pattern, the size of the printed area of the substrate, the complexity of the printed pattern, the material and shape of the substrate, etc. Then, combined with the budget, decide whether to use a standard machine or a customized one. If unsure, you can also communicate your needs with the supplier and let them provide a corresponding plan. Of course, no matter which option is chosen, it is recommended to select a regular silk screen printing machine manufacturer like Guangdong Dehuisheng, which is local and has after-sales guarantee. If customization is determined, then the initial communication of the plan begins.

 Initial communication with the supplier on the plan, clearly defining the purpose, printing materials, printing size, precision requirements, production efficiency, drying time (silk screen printing usually follows the previous process and cooperates with the next process, and this time difference), weight, and size requirements of the silk screen printing machine. This stage usually takes 1 to 2 days, and we will conduct a feasibility analysis based on the customer's requirements and provide an oral initial plan.

 For example, if the customer needs to print a mobile phone screen protector with a size of 6 inches, a precision requirement within ±0.1 mm, and a production capacity of 1,000 pieces per hour, we will initially assess the feasibility of customization based on these requirements.

2. Confirming the Customization Intention

After the initial communication between the two sides is considered feasible, both parties confirm the customization intention and sign the "Customization Intention Agreement", and then proceed to the next procedure.

3. Engineering Department Designing the Plan

Based on the communication between the two sides, the engineering department will conduct technical analysis and demonstration and produce a detailed design drawing plan, transforming theory into practice. This process generally takes 3 to 5 days.

The plan includes parts such as the working mode of the customized silk screen printing machine, appearance drawing, size drawing, flow chart, internal structure design drawing, function introduction, brand of standard parts, performance parameters, etc.

After the plan is provided, we will immediately discuss, analyze, and modify it with the customer regarding the design plan, until an agreement is reached. This usually requires 3 to 5 days of repeated communication and adjustment, following the principle of starting with the big and then the small, and starting with the overall and then the details, and finally determining the customization plan of the silk screen printing machine.

4. Plan Quotation

After the customer confirms the design plan, we will present the plan quotation sheet.

5. Signing the Contract and Prepayment

Based on the final design plan and price determined by both parties, a formal customization contract is signed. The contract clearly specifies the specifications, models, technical parameters, price, delivery time, quality assurance, after-sales service, and other terms of the customized silk screen printing machine.

The customer pays the advance payment according to the contract, generally 30% to 50% of the total contract amount. After the advance payment is completed, the official customization production starts.

Usually, the plan quotation, signing the contract, and prepayment can be completed within 1 day.

6. Component Procurement and Processing

 The supplier procures the required components according to the design plan, including motors, guide rails, lead screws, printing heads, control systems, etc. The time for component procurement depends on the supplier's supply chain situation, generally 5 to 10 days, and it does not exclude the situation that some foreign components are not available in stock, resulting in a prolonged procurement cycle, and in some cases, the procurement cycle may even take 12 to 16 weeks.

 Meanwhile, the components that need to be processed are processed and manufactured, such as the machine frame, printing platform, etc. The processing time depends on the complexity and processing technology of the components, generally 7 to 14 days.

7. Assembly and Commissioning

 The purchased and processed components are assembled to form a complete silk screen printing machine. The assembly time is generally 3 to 5 days.

 The assembled silk screen printing machine is commissioned, including mechanical commissioning, electrical commissioning, and printing commissioning, to ensure that the performance indicators of the silk screen printing machine meet the design requirements. The commissioning time is generally 5 to 7 days.

8. Quality Inspection and Acceptance

 The supplier conducts a comprehensive quality inspection of the commissioned silk screen printing machine, including appearance inspection, size precision inspection, and printing effect inspection. The quality inspection time is 2 to 3 days.

 The customer is invited to the Dehuisheng factory for a preliminary acceptance, and the customer checks and tests the silk screen printing machine according to the acceptance criteria stipulated in the contract. If any problems are found, the supplier promptly rectifies them. The preliminary acceptance time is 1 to 2 days.

9. Packaging and Shipping

1. The accepted silk screen printing machine is packaged using wooden boxes or other protective packaging materials to ensure that the silk screen printing machine is not damaged during transportation. The packaging time is 1 to 2 days.

2. Appropriate transportation methods are selected to send the silk screen printing machine to the customer's designated location. The transportation time depends on the transportation distance and transportation method, generally 3 to 7 days.

Tefisen has branches in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Huizhou, Suzhou, and Vietnam. For the surrounding areas of these regions, we will deliver directly to the customer.

10. Delivery Time

Taking into account the above time, the delivery time of the silk screen printing machine customization is affected by various factors, such as the complexity of the equipment, the supply situation of components, and the difficulty of the production process. Generally speaking, the delivery time for a simple silk screen printing machine customization is 30 to 45 days, and for a complex large silk screen printing machine customization, it may take 60 to 90 days. The following is a rough estimation example of the delivery time:

     Silk Screen Printing Machine Customization Process     

   Time Estimation (days)   

Requirements communication and scheme design

5 - 10

Contract signing and prepayment payment


Component procurement and processing

12 - 24

Assembly and commissioning

8 - 12

Quality inspection and acceptance

3 - 5

Packaging and shipping

4 - 9

It should be noted that the above delivery time is only for reference, and the actual delivery time may vary depending on specific circumstances. When signing the contract, both parties should clearly define the delivery time and stipulate the liability for breach of contract to protect the rights and interests of both parties.

11. Delivery

(a) Delivery Location

The delivery location of the silk screen printing machine is usually the customer's designated location, such as the factory workshop, warehouse, etc. Before delivery, the customer should ensure that the delivery location has the conditions for receiving and installing the silk screen printing machine, such as a flat site, sufficient power supply, good ventilation, etc.

(b) Delivery Method

The delivery method usually has two options: the supplier delivers to the door and the customer picks up by themselves. If the supplier delivers to the door, the supplier will be responsible for the transportation and installation commissioning of the silk screen printing machine; if the customer picks up by themselves, the customer needs to arrange transportation tools and personnel by themselves and bear the risks and costs during the transportation process.

(c) Delivery Documents

When delivering the silk screen printing machine, the supplier should provide the following documents at the same time:

The operation manual of the silk screen printing machine, including operation methods, maintenance precautions, common troubleshooting, etc.

The certificate of conformity of the silk screen printing machine to prove that the equipment meets relevant quality standards and technical requirements.

The warranty card to clearly define the warranty period and warranty scope of the equipment.

12. Acceptance Criteria

We will provide the customer with a detailed acceptance criteria document, including the production environment, appearance, size, printing effect, performance indicators, production efficiency, electrical safety, etc.

13. Acceptance and Completion

When all the acceptance indicators of the customized silk screen printing machine meet the acceptance criteria, the customer should sign the acceptance report and confirm the acceptance of the silk screen printing machine. The supplier will enter the warranty period as stipulated in the contract and provide after-sales service to the customer.

14. Training of Technicians

We will send professional engineers to the supplier's location for on-site teaching, including the steps and precautions for using the silk screen printing machine, equipment adjustment, troubleshooting, and maintenance. The personnel from both parties who participate in the training must sign the training record sheet. After the training, the engineers from Dehuisheng will conduct an assessment, and after passing the assessment, the supplier will issue a work permit to its employees.

III. Conclusion

Customizing a silk screen printing machine is a complex and rigorous process that requires close cooperation between the customer and the supplier to ensure that the customized machine meets the requirements. In the customization process, clarifying the process, delivery time, delivery, and acceptance criteria can effectively avoid disputes and improve customization efficiency and quality. We hope this article can provide useful reference and assistance for you when customizing a silk screen printing machine.