

Consumer Electronics


Guangdong Tefisen Technology Co., Ltd. Breaks Through Technical Barriers and Successfully Solves the Printing Dilemma of Mouse Surfaces with Irregular Curves and Uneven Thickness

With the rapid development of information technology, the mouse, as an important peripheral device for computers, has increasingly attracted consumers' attention in terms of its appearance design and printing quality. However, mouse printing has always been a technical challenge, especially when the printing points are located on curved surfaces and the material thickness is uneven. This makes it difficult for traditional printing methods to meet the high-precision and high-quality requirements. Relying on its strong research and development capabilities and continuous technological innovation, Guangdong Tefisen Technology Co., Ltd. has successfully overcome this technical challenge and set a new benchmark for the mouse printing industry.

tefisen curved surface printing

The difficulty of mouse printing lies in the fact that its surface is not flat but composed of multiple curved surfaces, which makes the distribution and adhesion of ink extremely difficult during the printing process. At the same time, the thickness of the mouse material is uneven, and the ink absorption and printing effects of different parts vary significantly, further increasing the difficulty of printing. Traditional printing methods often fail to achieve uniform ink distribution on curved surfaces, resulting in poor printing effects, such as blurring and fading.

In response to this challenge, Guangdong Tefisen Technology Co., Ltd. has invested a lot of research and development resources and energy. After conducting thorough market research and technical analysis, the company's research team found that to solve the printing problem of mouse curved surfaces and uneven thickness materials, breakthroughs must be made in three aspects: printing equipment, ink formulation, and printing processes.

In terms of printing equipment, Guangdong Tefisen Technology Co., Ltd. has introduced advanced curved surface printing machines. These machines adopt high-precision inkjet printing systems that can automatically adjust the angle and height of the inkjet nozzle based on the curvature changes of the mouse surface, ensuring that the ink can evenly adhere to the curved surface. At the same time, the equipment is equipped with an intelligent control system that can monitor various parameters during the printing process in real time, ensuring the stability of printing quality.

In terms of ink formulation, the company's research team has developed a special ink specifically for mouse materials through repeated experiments and optimizations. This ink has good adhesion and wear resistance, and can form a solid protective film on the mouse surface, effectively preventing ink from falling off and becoming blurred. At the same time, the ink has bright and lasting colors that can meet the aesthetic needs of different consumers.

In terms of printing processes, Guangdong Tefisen Technology Co., Ltd. has adopted a new curved surface printing technology. This technology determines the optimal printing path and ink ejection volume by accurately measuring and analyzing the three-dimensional data of the mouse surface. During the printing process, the equipment can automatically adjust the printing parameters based on these data to ensure that each drop of ink can accurately adhere to the mouse surface.

Through a series of technological innovations and breakthroughs, Guangdong Tefisen Technology Co., Ltd. has successfully solved the printing dilemma of mouse curved surfaces and uneven thickness materials. According to data provided by the company, the yield rate of mouse printing using the new technology has reached over 99%, with clear and bright printing effects that are durable. The successful application of this technology not only improves the appearance quality and market competitiveness of the mouse but also brings new development opportunities to the entire printing industry.

This technological breakthrough by Guangdong Tefisen Technology Co., Ltd. not only demonstrates its strong strength in the field of mouse printing but also sets a new technological benchmark for the entire industry. In the future, with continuous technological progress and market expansion, we have reason to believe that Guangdong Tefisen Technology Co., Ltd. will achieve even greater success in the field of mouse printing, bringing consumers more high-quality and personalized mouse products.